Support / Give Now

Support young people and their projects by making a gift today.

Donations and personal data are securely processed through Blackbaud Merchant Services. VYCC’s website is protected by SSL Certification so all user data is safe and secure.

If you prefer, you may donate using Paypal. However, we encourage you to use the above donation form in order to cut down on staff time.

“In an age of dramatic inequality across a range of social indices, with a dire need to build patterns of sustainable living, we are delighted to support VYCC, an organization that mirrors our values and concerns. Empowering youth and young adults in their growth toward independence, learning leadership skills and the importance of hard work, is a fabulous way to nurture and grow a future of promise and hope.”

Will Saunders and Julie Draper

Want to deepen your impact? Join the Keystone Crew of sustaining supporters by signing up for automatic recurring donations. Automatic recurring donations provide predictable and reliable funding for the next generation of environmental and community leaders.

“I give monthly because VYCC provides a vital service for under-supported populations of youth who, with VYCC, can propel themselves into successful careers.”

– Jim, Keystone Donor since 2012

Make checks payable to: Vermont Youth Conservation Corps.

Mailing address: 1949 East Main Street, Richmond, VT 05477

In addition to supporting life-changing experiences for youth and young adults, your gift of stock (appreciated securities) has tax advantages for you. You can avoid capital gains tax that would apply if you sell the shares yourself, and you receive a tax deduction for the average market value of the shares on the day they are gifted to VYCC. 

Once you have initiated the transfer with your broker, please notify Naomi Galimidi, Director of Community Engagement at or (802) 448-5973. This ensures we process your gift promptly.

To make a stock gift, transfer stock to VYCC:

Legal name: Vermont Youth Conservation Corps, Inc.

Address: 1949 East Main Street, Richmond, VT 05477

VYCC phone: (802) 434-3969

Broker: Schwab Charitable

Broker phone: (800) 435-4000


DTC: 0164

Account number: 4514-8082

Gifts from Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are an increasingly popular way to support VYCC. You can recommend a grant from your DAF to empower young leaders, protect our environment, and build stronger communities. Your support allows us to continue our vital work in conservation and youth development. 

If you already have a DAF, recommending a grant to VYCC is straightforward:

Step 1: Direct the fund to distribute a grant to Vermont Youth Conservation Corps, and include our Tax ID number: 03-0328834.

Step 2: Specify the amount and timing of the grant.

Step 3: Indicate if you wish to be acknowledged for your gift or prefer to remain anonymous.

We gladly accept gifts from Donor-Advised Funds via mailed check, direct deposit, and wire transfer. For assistance in recommending a grant from your DAF, or to discuss how your gifts can be best utilized, please contact

Donating cryptocurrency is a tax efficient method to support the important work Corps Members complete. The IRS designates cryptocurrency (or virtual currency) as property and is subject to the same rules that apply to noncash charitable gifts. You can avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated amount, and can deduct it on your taxes.

You may also benefit from a tax deduction at market value (if the currency has been owned for a year). Donors can carry forward any unused deduction and receive tax benefits for an additional five years. (Source: Forbes)

Please contact your tax or financial advisor for more information.

Step 1: Click this link to visit our Coinbase page

Step 2: Fill in your email and name (we will use this info to send you a ‘thank you’ letter)

Step 3: Select your cryptocurrency type

Step 4: Use the unique address or QR code to donate

Step 5: That’s it! We’ll contact you to confirm your donation was received.