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VYCC is piloting a new Crew Leader position in 2024

A team of crew members use rock bars to move a boulder into position.

In 2024, we will offer – for the very first time – year-round Conservation Crew Leader positions. This will be a small number of positions, in addition to Crew Leader positions that follow our traditional seasonal schedule.  

Leading a VYCC crew has immense rewards:  
Extensive (paid!) training. 
Meaningful impact.
Lasting friendships.  

For 38 years, VYCC has been running crews with seasonal Crew Leader positions. Most Leaders arrive in late May, train for a few weeks, and lead crews throughout the summer.  

It’s a powerful couple of months:  

“Leading a crew with VYCC was the most gratifying work experience I have had. I like to think of it as construction. We stood side by side, rain or shine, and built things: trails, structures, foundations. Relationships, character, a trail family. We built these things to be enduring, stable, and sustainable. I walked away confident that I had helped set stones that would last for decades. I helped develop job skills that would last throughout careers. I helped instill confidence that would last a lifetime, Physical or not, the results of our labor were incredibly palpable.”  

In addition to reflections on what’s great about leading, past Leaders have identified the stress of looking for their next job shortly after starting their seasonal position. We are proud to offer the option to extend through October by leading fall crews. We also see an opportunity to do more for Leaders, and help them to do more for Vermont.  

The intrepid year-round Leader cohort will begin in March 2024. After training, they will work together as a peer-led crew, then each will lead a young adult or youth crew during summer and fall.   

December through February, they will have the opportunity to develop new skills in logistical support, vehicle fleet management, recruitment and hiring; and enhance their technical skills. Some conservation work may be available in winter and will fully pick back up in spring.   

The year-round Crew Leader position is a unique opportunity to enjoy a hands-on conservation job in a year-round capacity.  

Visit our positions page to learn more: https://www.vycc.org/join-us/positions/